January 20, 2008

Broadcast Date: 
Jan 20 2008

An email smear campaign claiming Barack Obama has ties to Muslim extremism circulates in the Jewish community; Combatants for Peace call for non-violent solutions to the Israeli occupation; Dr. Martin Luther King on the war in Vietnam.

Episode segments
  • Smearing Obama
    National Politics, Electoral, Jewish
    Jennifer Siegel is a staff writer for The Forward , the Jewish weekly newspaper.
    Esther Kaplan and Marilyn Kleinberg Neimark

    An email smear campaign resurrects rumors about Barack Obama's alleged ties to Muslim extremism-an gets wide circulation in the Jewish community.

  • Combatants for Peace
    Israel/Palestine, Occupation

    Bassam Aramin is a former fatah fighter who served 7 years in an Israeli prison.  He is a co-founder of Combatants for Peace.

    Yonatan Shapira is a former Captain in the Israeli air force who authored a 2003 letter from 23 Israeli pilots refusing to attack civilian population centers in the Occupied Territories.  He is a co-founder of Combatants for Peace.

    Esther Kaplan and Marilyn Kleinberg Neimark

    Bassam Aramin and Yonatan Shapira are on a speaking tour of the U.S. advocating for a non-violent end to the Israeli Occupation in commemoration of the 1 year anniversary of the killing of Bassam's 10-year old daughter Abir by Israeli border police.

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preaches against the war in Vietnam
    National Politics, International Politics, Asia
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) was pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama; a leader within the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference; and a winner of the Nobel Prize for his leadership of the civil rights movement.
    Esther Kaplan and Marilyn Kleinberg Neimark

    An excerpt from King's speech delivered on April 16, 1967 at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam," a reprise of his groundbreaking April 4 speech delivered to a gathering of Clergy and Laity Concerned at Riverside Church in New York City: