BEYOND THE PALE explores cutting edge Jewish culture and offers local, national, and international political debate and analysis from a Jewish perspective.

Sundays, noon to 1 p.m., on WBAI/New York, 99.5 FM

Recently Aired

October 5 2008 — Journalist and former Goldman Sachs exec Nomi Prins on the financial crisis and the bailout; composer Gabriel Kahane on his new album; and Mik Moore on his campaign to get out the Jewish senior vote for Obama:The Great Schlep.

September 21 — In this two-hour special, Beyond the Pale re-visits 1968's epic struggle over local control of schools in Ocean Hill-Brownsville and its echoes in today's conflicts over mayoral control.

September 7, 2008 — The Nation's Ari Berman on GOP vice-presidential frontrunners Joseph Lieberman and Sarah Palin; beyond Postville: working conditions at other kosher food plants; plus, Forgiveness, a new film by Udi Aloni.

August 31, 2008 — Activists arrive into a Gaza port, breaking a year-long closure; the Committee to Protect Journalists warns of attacks on journalists in the Occupied Territories; plus a new Brandeis study finds that men are fleeing Jewish religious life.

August 24, 2008 — Thomas Powers asks why the military option "must be kept on the table" when it comes to Iran; a look at Israel's military and political ties with Georgia; plus Action/Abstraction, an exhibit at New York City's Jewish Museum. 

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