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Calling A Pogrom A Pogrom

On Sunday December 14's Beyond The Pale, I read on air from a chilling news story, A Settler Porgrom from the Receiving End, by Haaretz journalist Avi Issacharoff.  The story had been reprinted in The Forward, which in a lead editorial commenting on the growing settler violence asked rhetorically: "Is this what happens to a 2,000-year-old ethical tradition when its transplanted to a sovereign soil?  Can a moral system with such a profou

Education justice now

Donna Nevel, a founder of the Center for Immigrant Families, based in uptown Manhattan, and a guest on today's show, offers this useful list of community organizations in New York City fighting for social justice in our public schools:

Center for Immigrant Families

New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCORE)

Teachers Unite

Education Liberation Network

Jon Stewart nails it on AIPAC

Here's the link to Jon Stewart's take on the Presidential candidates speeches at the annual AIPAC conference--Indecision 5768--it says it all.

Pastor Hagee: God sent Hitler

Check out this amazing bit of audio that Bruce Wilson at Talk to Action dug up. It's a speech Pastor John Hagee -- founder of the Christian Zionist group Christians United for Israeli and prominent endorse of presidential candidate John McCain -- gave in the late 1990s that claims the Holocaust was God-sent.

First Hagee quotes from Jeremiah 16:15-16, which reads as follows in the King James version:

Hagee: Blaming the Jews

The media have poked gingerly so far at presumed Republican nominee John McCain's toxic minister, the Reverend John Hagee. Today's NY Times sticks a toe in to test the waters noting Hagee's despicable description of the Catholic church as "the great whore" featured in the Book of Revelations. As for Hagee's assertions that the Vatican collaborated with Hitler, he has this to say by way of apology:

Hanon Reznikov, RIP

The Living Theater's Hanon Reznikov was a frequent guest on Beyond the Pale in recent years. He died May 3 at the age of 57. Here are contributor Alisa Solomon's words in rememberance, from our May 4 show:

"Grab More Hills, Expand The Territory"

Accustomed as I have become to Henry Siegman's trenchant critiques of Israeli policy, his latest article in the London Review of Books--"Grab More Hills, Expand The Territory"--astonished me.  In this review of two recent historical studies of israel's settlements--by Gershom Gorenberg and by Idith Harel and Akiva Eldar-- Siegman writes:  "No Israeli government has ever su

Israeli play by Palestinian writer adresses the Nakba

The hoopla over Israel's upcoming 60 anniversary is already underway. And the theatrical left in Israel is boldly providing some counterculture.

Shalom, Obama, baby

Given all the creepy smears being circulated within the Jewish community accusing Barak Obama of everything from having been trained in a madrassah to taking his orders from Louis Farrakhan (see our shows on January 20 and March 2), it's lovely to see Latino Jewish musicians the Hip Hop Hoodios come out with their kitschy and hilarious intervention, "Shalom Obama," which you can give a listen at the group's MySpace page.

Nice Beyond the Pale profile at New Voices

Check out a nice profile of Beyond the Pale by Alessandra Gotbaum that just appeared in New Voices, the excellent national Jewish student magazine.